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Service News

Phishing email warning

We have had reports of a new scam email. It has recently been sent out targeting Cambridge Alumni claiming to be the University. This is not a legitimate email from the University so please disregard and delete. Our system administrators have already made precautions to stop this email being distributed further.
Please see a copy of this email below:
From: University of Cambridge <[redacted]>
Date: 5 February 2020 at 09:27:05 GMT
To: -
Subject: Your Voice Mail


You received a new message on 05/02 at 06:54.

The duration of the voice message is 5 seconds.

This message was submitted by *Telephone Number*.To view it,click here

Thank you for your confidence,

Your University of Cambridge Service Customer Service.

Please do not reply to this email. 

If you have followed any of the instructions in the link provided in this email, please reset your password immediately. You can email our support desk at if you have any further questions or concerns.
You can also check out guide on identifying scam and phishing emails here:

Originally Written: 05-Feb-2020 14:35, Last Updated: 05-Feb-2020 15:32

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