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Service News

Mail Server Emergency Maintenance (Resolved)

[11:30] We are having to reboot each of the mail servers in turn for some emergency maintenance.
The service may be slow and some mail boxes will be temporarily unavavailable for the duration of the reboots.

[12:10] The last mail server has now been rebooted.
We are now running a few tests to make sure the service is running normally again.

[12:30] One of the servers is failing to respond properly. We are currently investigating.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may be causing.

[13:10] The service now appears to be stable and working normally.

Thank you for your patience in this matter. We apologise again for any inconvenience caused.

Originally Written: 17-Feb-2011 11:33, Last Updated: 06-Nov-2014 12:29

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