The Michelsohn Family Tree

Family Tree

Place names are birth places if no other places are given; all dates are in British format (DD/MM/YYYY). All living people have been removed from this tree before placing online; if you recognise anyone here as being related to you, please don't hesitate to .

Lupu, Wolf MICHELSOHN 1868-1929 Slănic
Wholesale trader
= Antoinette KAUFMANN 1879-1953
|- Solomon MICHELSOHN c. 1905-
|- Mauriciu MICHELSOHN ca. 1907-
|- Sergiu MICHELSOHN ca. 1909-
|- Ernest MICHELSOHN 6.1910-1980 Bucharest -> Holon, Israel
|   = Ghizela, Gina PINCU 1.1914-1985 Iași, Romania -> Holon, Israel
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+- Otto MICHELSOHN ca. 1912-
