Nigel Pennick, Wandlebury Mysteries

Cambridgeshire Ancient Mysteries Group, Bar Hill, Cambridge, n.d. [1981]

This article on the Wandlebury hill-figures first appeared in Albion No. 2 (1979) under the title “Secret of a Cambridgeshire Hillside”.  It was reprinted as an A5 booklet, Wandlebury Mysteries, by the Cambridge Ancient Mysteries Group, which was formed in 1981 as an offshoot of the Institute of Geomantic Research.  Its numbering as CAMG occasional paper 21 follows on from the occasional papers of the IGR.

The author describes the discovery of the figures by T.C. Lethbridge in the 1950s, and the failure of attempts in the 1970s to have them preserved.

Copyright © 1979 Nigel Pennick. Republished here by permission.

The digitized version contains the following Web pages:

Main text
Front cover
Photos of the site