Adam Boulter

Dana and Faynan, Jordan


The Dana Bio Sphere  clings to the edge of the rift Valley with Dana Village perching at the top and over  a mile below there are the oldest copper mines in the desolate wadis near Faynan. The weather hits this edge and explodes into its flanks making for one of the few green areas of  Jordan and for spectacular storms.

From Dana towards the Rift Valley,
Oil on Linen,
65m x 40cm
Storm gathering over the copper mines,
Oil on Linen, 65m x 40cm
Storm gathering on copper mountains,
Oil on Linen, 40m x 65cm
Tree on the first Copper mine
Oil on Linen, 18cm x 12.5cm
Tree on the edge of the plateau,
Oil on Linen,
20cm x 12.5cm
Top of the Rift Valley,
Pastel on Paper 2014
28m x 18cm
Dana escarpment,
Pastel on Paper 2014
28m x 18cm
Dana escarpment,
Pastel on Paper 2014
28m x 18cm