Ludovic MacLellan Mann, Two booklets on the “Druid Temple” near Glasgow

An Appeal to the Nation: The “Druids’” Temple near Glasgow (1937)
The Druid Temple Explained (1939)
both published by the Mann Publishing Co., London & Glasgow.

The burial site popularly called the “Druid Temple” was discovered near Knappers Farm in July 1937. Mann, who was already supervising an archaeological dig nearby, investigated the find. His enthusiastic interpretation and reconstruction of the supposed temple were not accepted by other archaeologists, and the Office of Works refused to schedule the site as an ancient monument. Even Graham Ritchie, whose article on Mann is by no means unsympathetic, writes that “he went over the top at Knappers”.

Mann’s appeal for funds to allow work on the site to continue was in print by the end of the year. The second booklet, subtitled “a set of talks”, probably summarizes the lectures that Mann gave at the site (see the photo in Ritchie’s article).

The digitized version contains the following Web pages:

An Appeal to the Nation
The Druid Temple Explained
In both booklets:
Plan of innermost part of the circular area
Cup-and-ring carvings on a rock north of Knappers, Clydebank
Typical wicker figures, their sizes expressing planetary harmony
In An Appeal to the Nation:
Front cover of An Appeal to the Nation
In The Druid Temple Explained:
Front cover of The Druid Temple Explained, with photo of the site
Model of circular central area (inside front cover)
Title page of The Druid Temple Explained
Polished flint chisel found in Bronze Age grave
Stone axe blade with lunar crescent horns
Maze of low earthen mounds, groundplan
Oldest pottery type
Food vessel, with Mann’s interpretation of the design
Routes from Glasgow to the Temple (back cover)
Notes on the illustrations (MB, 2013)
Some news items about the “Druid Temple” (1937–9)
Note on the “Druid” Temple in Nature (1938)