Length of meridian arc on an ellipsoid

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Suppose the Earth is modelled as an ellipsoid with semi-major axis a, semi-minor axis b, and eccentricity e. A standard problem is to find the length of a meridian arc between two geographical latitudes, say φ1 and φ2. Three methods are suggested below. For more on this topic see e.g. the lecture notes by Deakin and Hunter [1].

The radius of curvature in meridian at latitude φ is given by

ρ =a(1 − e2)(1 − e2sin2φ)−3/2 =a(1 + ε)1/2(1 + εcos2φ)−3/2

where  ε  =  e2/(1 − e2)  =  (a2b2)/b2.

We work here in terms of ε, which is assumed to be small (ε ≈ 1/150 for the Earth). The arc length is given by

a(1 + ε)1/2 φ2 (1 + εcos2φ)−3/2dφ.

Method 1: Numerical integration

In theory this method is subject to rounding errors, due to the addition of many terms. In practice it seems to work well enough, provided one uses an accurate integration formula such as Weddle’s rule (rather than the better known Simpson’s and three-eighths rules). In Weddle’s rule the number of intervals is a multiple of 6, and the integral over a block of 6 intervals is estimated as

6h y (x)dx= 3h  [ y (0) + 5y (h) + y (2h) + 6y (3h) + y (4h) + 5y (5h) + y (6h)].
0 10

The number of intervals can be repeatedly doubled until the value stays constant within the desired order of accuracy. This method is slow, but is useful as a check on other methods.

Method 2: integration of the power series

Here we expand the integrand  (1 + εcos2φ)−3/2  by the binomial theorem, taking as many terms as are required to achieve the desired accuracy. The powers  cos2mφ  are integrated by rewriting them in terms of multiple angles:

cos2mφ= 21 − 2m [ 1 (2m)  +  (2m) cos2φ +  (2m) cos4φ +  (2m) cos6φ + … + cos2mφ ]
2 m m − 1 m − 2 m − 3

We may as well multiply the result by the binomial expansion of (1 + ε)1/2, since this does not make it any more complicated. If this is done, the length of the meridian arc is

a [c02 − φ1) + c1(sin2φ2 − sin2φ1) + c2(sin4φ2 − sin4φ1) + c3(sin6φ2 − sin6φ1) + … ],

where the  cm  are power series in  ε. To reduce the effect of rounding errors when  φ2 − φ1  is small, it may be better to rewrite  sin2mφ2 − sin2mφ1  as  2sinm2 − φ1)cosm2 + φ1). The coefficients  cm  are given below up to  ε8  (equivalent to e16), which should be more than enough for most purposes.

c0=1 −  1ε +  13ε2 −  45ε3 2 577ε4 −  9 417ε5 139 613ε6 −  522 821ε7 126 287 705ε8 − …
4 64 256 16 384 65 536 1 048 576 4 194 304 1 073 741 824
c1=−  3ε +  9ε2 −  237ε3 819ε4 −  23 325ε5 84 711ε6 −  4 993 233ε7 18 593 103ε8 − …
8 32 1 024 4 096 131 072 524 288 33 554 432 134 217 728
c2= 15ε2 −  75ε3 1 245ε4 −  4 905ε5 607 125ε6 −  2 332 785ε7 35 785 995ε8 − …
256 1 024 16 384 65 536 8 388 608 33 554 432 536 870 912
c3=−  35ε3 245ε4 −  19 985ε5 90 475ε6 −  3 093 755ε7 12 812 765ε8 − …
3 072 12 288 786 432 3 145 728 100 663 296 402 653 184
c4= 315ε4 −  2 835ε5 68 859ε6 −  354 627ε7 26 776 197ε8 − …
131 072 524 288 8 388 608 33 554 432 2 147 483 648
c5=−  693ε5 7 623ε6 −  430 353ε7 498 267ε8 − …
1 310 720 5 242 880 167 772 160 134 217 728
c6= 1 001ε6 −  13 013ε7 418 847ε8 − …
8 388 608 33 554 432 536 870 912
c7=−  6 435ε7 96 525ε8 − …
234 881 024 939 524 096
c8= 109 395ε8 − …
17 179 869 184

Method 3: Another power series method

The following method may be of interest in that it can be extended by computer to any desired degree of accuracy, without the need to program-in complicated coefficients like those in Method 2. It finds the arc length along the meridian from the equator to a given latitude φ. The arc length from φ1 to φ2 can be found by applying the method to φ1 and φ2, and taking the difference.

We expand  (1 + εcos2φ)−3/2  by the binomial theorem, as in Method 2, but now integrate the  cos2mφ  as follows. Setting

Km =  φ cos2mφdφ,

we find easily that  2mKm = (2m − 1)Km − 1 + sinφcos2m − 1φ, whence

K0 = φ,      K1 =  1 φ +  1 sinφcosφ,      K2 =  3 φ +  3 sinφcosφ +  1 sinφcos3φ,      etc.
2 2 8 8 4

A routine calculation shows that the integral, which has to be multiplied by a(1 + ε)1/2  (= a2/b)  to get the arc length, is

 − 3ε
 +  3· 15ε2
4 16
 −  3· 15· 35ε3
4 16 36
 +  3· 15· 35· 63ε4
4 16 36 64
 −  3· 15· 35· 63· 99ε5 + …)
4 16 36 64 100
+ sinφ cosφ
 −  3ε
 +  3· 15ε2
4 16
 −  3· 15· 35ε3
4 16 36
 +  3· 15· 35· 63ε4
4 16 36 64
 −  3· 15· 35· 63· 99ε5 + …)
4 16 36 64 100
1sinφ cos3φ
 −  15· 35ε3
16 36
 +  15· 35· 63ε4
16 36 64
 −  15· 35· 63· 99ε5 + …)
16 36 64 100
1· 3sinφ cos5φ
 −  35ε3
 +  35· 63ε4
36 64
 −  35· 63· 99ε5 + …)
36 64 100
1· 3· 5sinφ cos7φ
 −  63· 99ε5 + …)
64 100
1· 3· 5· 7sinφ cos9φ
 − 99ε5 + …)
+ …

It is clear how the pattern can be continued indefinitely. The following tested piece of code, written in Delphi Pascal, shows how the method can be applied to give any degree of precision up to the limit of the language used.

const MAX_POWER_EPSILON = 8; // arbitrary: higher if machine precision warrants it var coeff : array [0..MAX_POWER_EPSILON] of extended; // Delphi "extended" is floating-point with 64-bit precision (19 sig. fig.) ————————————————————————————————— Compute the coefficients of phi, sin(phi)*cos(phi), sin(phi)*cos^3(phi), etc. This procedure need only be called once for a given ellipsoid (a, b). procedure ComputeCoefficients( a, b : extended); var epsilon : extended; j, k : integer; denom, mult : extended; begin epsilon := (a - b)*(a + b) / (b*b); // Compute sums shown inside large () in Web text j := MAX_POWER_EPSILON; denom := 4.0*j*j; coeff[j] := (denom - 1.0)/denom; for j := MAX_POWER_EPSILON - 1 downto 0 do begin for k := MAX_POWER_EPSILON downto j + 1 do coeff[k] := -epsilon * coeff[k]; if (j > 0) then begin denom := 4.0*j*j; coeff[j] := (coeff[j+1] + 1.0) * (denom - 1.0)/denom; end else coeff[0] := coeff[1] + 1.0; end; // Apply factors 1/2, 1.3/2.4, 1.3.5/2.4.6, etc. and dimensions of ellipsoid. mult := a*a/b; coeff[0] := mult*coeff[0]; coeff[1] := mult*coeff[1]; for j := 2 to MAX_POWER_EPSILON do begin mult := mult*(2*j - 3)/(2*j - 2); coeff[j] := mult*coeff[j]; end; end; ————————————————————————————————— Apply the above coefficients to compute arc length on meridian from equator to passed-in latitude phi. function ComputeArcLengthFromEquator( phi_degrees : extended) : extended; var phi, c, c2, total : extended; j : integer; begin phi := (PI/180.0) * phi_degrees; // degrees to radians c := Cos( phi); c2 := c*c; total := coeff[MAX_POWER_EPSILON]; for j := MAX_POWER_EPSILON - 1 downto 1 do total := total*c2 + coeff[j]; result := phi*coeff[0] + Sin(phi)*c*total; end;


[1] R.E. Deakin and M.N. Hunter, Geometric Geodesy Part A (PDF lecture notes, March 2006)