Concentration period
“Moduli Spaces and Derived Categories”

Mon 12th January - Fri 13th March 2015, University of Warwick

DCat2014-15 Main Venue Program Participants Registration

Lunchtime working sessions (13th Jan - 10th Feb 2015)

When:            Tuesdays, 12:00 - 14:00
                      (non-invited participants welcome from 12:30 or bring your lunch and come at 12:00)
Where:           @Room B1.01

Mon 19th January 2015

What:            Seminar
When:           16:10-17:10
Who:             Ivona Grzegorczyk (California State University)
Title:             “On coherent systems with fixed determinant”
Where:         @Room D1.07

Mon 26th January 2015

What:            Seminars

When:           16:10-17:10
Who:             Matteo Tommasini (Luxembourg)
Title:             “Wall-crossings for moduli spaces of coherent systems of type (2,d,2)”

When:           17:30-18:30
Who:             Margherita Lelli-Chiesa (Pisa)
Title:             “Severi varieties and Brill-Noether theory of curves on abelian surfaces”

Where:         @Room D1.07

Mon 2nd February 2015

What:            Seminar

When:           16:10-17:10
Who:             Leticia Brambila-Paz (CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico)
Title:             “Chow stability and Butler's conjecture”

Where:         @Room D1.07

Tue 3rd February 2015

What:            Seminar

When:           12:30-13:30
Who:             Sukmoon Huh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Title:             “Classification of globally generated vector bundles”

Where:         @Room B1.01

Tue 10th February 2015

What:            Seminar
When:           12:30-13:30
Who:             Angela Ortega (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Title:             “Restricted Lazarsfeld Mukai bundles and canonical curves”
Where:         @Room B1.01

Wed 11th February 2015

What:            Seminar
When:           14:30-15:30
Who:             Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas (Tufts University)
Title:             “Limit linear series on chains of elliptic curves and Brill-Noether theory for tropical chains of loops”
Where:         @Room B3.02

Thu 12th February 2015

What:            Seminar
When:           14:30-15:30
Who:             Brian Osserman (University of California, Davis)
Title:             “Higher-rank Brill-Noether theory and special determinants”
Where:         @Room MS.05

Wed 4th March 2015

What:            Seminar
When:           17:00-18:00
Who:             Emilio Franco Gomez (Campinas)
Title:             “Branes on the moduli space of instanton bundles over P^2”
Where:         @Room B3.02

Mon 9th - Wed 11th March 2015

What:            Mini-workshop

Who:             Richard Thomas
                     Dominic Joyce
                     Oren Ben-Bassat
                     Ben Davison
                     Sven Meinhardt
                     Martijn Kool
                     Albrecht Klemm
                     Andrea Ricolfi

Mon 9th March

14:00 - 15:00           Martijn Kool (Utrecht) @ Room B3.02
                                “Donaldson-Thomas invariants of local elliptic surfaces”

15:30 - 16:30           Sven Meinhardt (Wuppertal) @ Room B3.02
                                “Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and Donaldson-Thomas theory”

Tue 10th March

15:00 - 16:00           Dominic Joyce (Oxford) @ Room MS.05
                                “New Donaldson-Thomas style counting invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds”

17:00 - 18:00           Richard Thomas (Imperial) @ Room MS.04
                                “Homological projective duality”

18:30 - 19:30           Andrea Ricolfi (Stavanger) @ Room MS.04
                                “Partitions and generalized Kummer varieties”

Wed 11th March

13:30 - 14:30           Albrecht Klemm (Bonn) @ Room B3.02
                                “Topological String on elliptic CY 3-folds and the ring of weak Jacobi forms”

14:45 - 15:45           Oren Ben-Bassat (Oxford) @ Room B3.02
                                “Multiple Lagrangian Intersections”

17:00 - 18:00           Ben Davison (EPFL) @ Room B3.02
                                “Character stacks and DT theory”

@ Warwick Mathematical Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)