Anon, “The true history of the Tichborne case”

Cornhill Magazine, new series, 67, 19–24 (1929).

Harold T. Wilkins draws attention to this article in his book Mysteries Solved and Unsolved (1959). In the chapter “Solving the great Tichborne mystery” (pp. 11–35) he writes (p. 33): “From sources of my own, I think that the anonymous writer in the Cornhill Magazine, in 1929, was quite correct in his assertion that, right through the two trials, in 1872–4, the claimant, and the defendant, Orton knew that the real Roger Tichborne was alive in Australia; and, what is more heinous still, was that the Tichborne trustees and their attornies, and also the Doughty-Tichborne families were aware that Roger was alive!”

The two main assertions in the Cornhill Magazine are independent of one another:
(1) that the claimant Arthur Orton was an illegitimate son of Roger Tichborne’s father;
(2) that Roger was not drowned on the Bella, but was rescued and taken to Australia.

How convincing this article is, the reader may decide. At least (1) explains why Orton and the real Roger Tichborne had the same rare hereditary malformation of the genitals, a fact which (as Wilkins remarks) has usually been glossed over by writers on the Tichborne case.

The digitized version contains the following Web pages:

The true history of the Tichborne case