By topic: 52
Schoolmaster, 15 April 1922
In book: 28c
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Review of EBT


  EARLY BRITISH TRACKWAYS (Simpkin Marshall, 4s. 6d. net.).—The author, A. Watkins, lives at Hereford, makes meters, exposure meters, and development aids, wanders in that delightful border country over many counties, takes telephotos, and has discovered, en amateur, things concerning pre-historic trackways, their planning, course and purpose, the siting of defensive camps, castles and churches, which professional ethnologists and historians have left hidden. The maps and photo-pictures in the book make clear the “previously undiscovered string of facts” which Mr. Watkins rightly claims to have laid bare. Whether he is right in his place-names too, sometimes, the present reviewer is not competent to say, but otherwise he feels no doubt that Mr. Watkins is right in this book. To all who care about British pre-history this book ought to become known. As for scoutmasters and field-ramblers, it is the very thing for them.


Source info: Cuttings agency.