Strath Hanna

Music for Scottish Country Dancing, for English Country and Contra Dancing, and for listening

Strath Hanna is a celtic band based in State College, PA. We play mostly Scottish and English traditional music, both for dancing and for listening. One of our specialties is playing for Scottish Country Dancing, and our members include a dancer, so we know our music from a dancer's point of view. We also enjoy playing for English country dancing and for contra dancing. Our name is motivated by the straths (valleys) of Scotland and hannas (creeks) of Central Pennsylvania. (Just north of our home town, we have the Moshannon Creek, or Moss Hanna = Moose Creek.)

Here are recordings of a selection of the music we play. On the first four, the musicians were: John Collins (piano), Kurt Kroeker, and Patty Lambert. On the last two, the musicians were: Toby Carlson, John Collins, Kurt Kroeker, and Celia Wyckoff. Sorry, but we don't currently have recordings of our playing for contra dancing or for English country dancing.

Depending on the situation, we play with two to four of our band members: Matt Carlson (fiddle), Toby Carlson (recorder/whistle/viola da gamba), John Collins (piano), Betsy Gamble (fiddle), Kurt Kroeker (fiddle), Patty Lambert (flute/whistle/concertina), and Ray Najjar (string bass), sometimes with other guest musicians.

For more information contact:

John Collins, E-mail: strathhanna at verizon dot net
(Web page last modified 12 Nov. 2023.)