Ideal for teaching large groups. This screen shot of a partly played hand showing the principles of a simple squeeze can be projected on to your projector screen (needs a computer projector) or through your TV.

Here, South lost one trick to rectify the count in 6, now the play of the last trump forces west to make a fatal discard. Students find this much easier to follow when they can see the cards played dynamically on a screen like this, and most modern laptops can display through a TV screen to a large audience:

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Shows auction so far
Notes about the hand that are entered by you and saved with the hand file
Card just played by South to squeeze West
Tricks won so far by East-West
Tricks won so far by North-South
Previously played tricks
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If you prefer hands can be shown in normal card format:

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With Double Dummy analysis switched on it shows you the winning (green) and losing (red) plays at each stage of the play (plus number of overtricks and undertricks for each play). In the hand below if East is on play as a defender then any diamond or 10 will let the contract make and anything else defeats it by one trick:

Green -1 defending means playing this card defeats the contract by 1 trick
Red = defending means playing this card lets the contract make
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