Bridge Analyser uses a Double Dummy Solver developed by Bo Haglund - similar to the well known Deep Finesse but about 5-10 times faster. It analyses the hand on the assumption of perfect play and perfect defence to calculate the number of tricks that can be made by any declarer in any suit or no-trumps. Bridge Analyser also makes use of multiple processors if your computer has them further increasing the analysis speed.


Bridge Analyser interfaces with the DDS software to produce double dummy analysis for hands you want to play. The options are:

Image not found Click the button on the main menu and show a makeable contracts grid: Image not found
Image not found Click MC during play mode to show winning (green) and losing (red) plays to the next trick: Image not found
Image not found In play mode you can also analyse good and bad plays for over tricks and under tricks. Image not found
Image not found Tick the makeable contracts option during print runs to show a makeable contracts grid on your printouts.