The Parish Church of St. Mildred, Tenterden

(Tenterden Benefice - with St John's, Smallhythe and St Michael & All Angels, Tenterden)


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Sunday 7th October 2012


Seeing Christ in the world!

Being Christ in the world!




WELCOME: We wish you a very warm welcome to our services, especially if you are visiting us or joining us for the first time.


It’s Harvest Festival time at St Michael’s and St Mildred’s today, whilst at St John’s we celebrate the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.




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Explore it at: and read more about it in the October magazine. If you have any comments on the website (including any corrections), our webmaster, Debbie Clayden, would be pleased to hear from you. You will find her details under Contact Us at the end of Pew News. Happy surfing!


BENEFICE SUNDAY LUNCH: If you’ve signed up for this month’s Benefice Sunday Lunch, then don’t forget to turn up at St Mildred’s Church Hall by 12.30pm. Next month’s Lunch will be on Sunday 4th November. So if you live on your own, and would like to lunch with others, then put your name on the list in St Mildred’s or ring Cathie Aldis  (01580 765845).


THIS EVENING there will be a celebration of the Parish Eucharist with Prayers for Wholeness and Healing at St Mildred’s at 6pm. All welcome.



HARVEST: Big thanks indeed to all those who worked so hard to decorate St Michael’s and St Mildred’s for today’s Harvest celebrations and St John’s for last Sunday’s Harvest Festival. Much appreciated!


ST MICHAEL’S PATRONAL LUNCH: Our grateful thanks go to Carol Stevens, Judith Harper and Peter Goodwin, who organised last Sunday’s St Michael’s Patronal Lunch at The London Beach, and to all those who supported the event. £318.80 was raised for St Michael’s Church as a result. Well done!




SERVICES DURING THIS WEEK: There will be celebrations of Holy Communion on Wednesday (at St Michael’s) and Thursday (at St Mildred’s). Both services begin at 11am. Morning Prayer takes place daily in St Mildred’s at 9am.


MILLIES ON MONDAYS, our Parent and Toddler Group, is open tomorrow as usual. Millies, for children aged 0-5 years, is on every Monday during term time, from 9am – 11.30am in the Glebe Hall, Church Road. Contact Karen Edgar or Shirley Docker (details under Contact Us).


THE MOTHERS’ UNION next meets on Tuesday in the Church Hall at 10.30a.m. Our speaker will be Ariel Tsai and she will be talking about the help that Chinese medical practices can alleviate a wide range of ailments and contribute to general wellbeing. Anyone is welcome to come along. Refreshments will be served from 10.00 a.m. There will also be a Bring and Buy at this meeting (members, please note).


LIVING THE QUESTIONS continues in St Mildred’s Church Hall on Wednesday. Living the Questions is a series of DVD-based sessions which explores the Christian faith? These take place on Wednesday evenings in October and November, and then in January and February. Come along at 7pm if you want to join the shared supper, or at 7.30pm if you’re having something rather more elaborate at home! Further information from Lindsay (see Contact Us).


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: The St Mildred’s Children’s Ministry Team meet at the Vicarage on Wednesday at 2pm, and CAST (Church and School Together) meets on Wednesday at Tenterden Junior School at 3.30pm to explore further ways of linking St Mildred’s with the school.


HARVEST SUPPER: Have you bought your ticket to Saturday’s Bring and Share Harvest Supper in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 6pm? If not, then move quickly because places are disappearing fast! Bread and butter will be provided, but remember to bring your cutlery, plate, glasses and drink, and something for the communal table! The Beetle Drive will be back by popular demand and there will be a Bottle Tombola. Tickets are on sale in our churches today.




TRAIDCRAFT: Pop over to the Church Hall after the 9.30am Eucharist at St Mildred’s next Sunday and you will be able to buy fairtrade products from Jill’s Traidcraft Stall. These include pretty little gifts, Christmas cards and the usual delicious goodies! Sales last month amounted to £162.48. Jill says “Well done, and let's keep it up!”


SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion at St Mildred’s (8am); Parish Eucharist at St Mildred’s (9.30am); Parish Eucharist at St Michael’s (10am); Matins at Smallhythe (11.15am); Create Space in St Mildred’s Church Hall (6pm).




WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB next meets on the 17th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 12.30pm. Contact Mary Monckton (01580 240767) if you need any further information.


PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH: Smallhythe’s annual Autumn Ploughman’s Lunch will undoubtedly tempt you along to St Mildred’s Church Hall on Saturday 20th October between 12noon and 2pm. The lunches will raise money for St John’s.


WHOLENESS AND HEALING: The first of what we hope will be regular Wholeness and Healing services, will be held in St Michael’s on Sunday 21st October. We begin with afternoon tea at 4pm in the Church and then begin the service at 4.30pm. The service will conclude by 5.15pm. For more information, contact Lindsay.


SERVICE OF LIGHT: There will be a special service in St Mildred’s on Sunday 28th October at 3pm, during which we shall commemorate all those of our parishes who have died during the past year, together with others whose remembrance has been requested. Please give the names of those you would like remembered to Margaret Roylance (see Contact Us) or Ann Robertson (764219 /


FAREWELL TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN: Archbishop Rowan will step down at the end of the year. There will be a diocesan farewell on Sunday 18th November at 3.15pm in the Cathedral.  The service will not be ticketed and entry will be on a first come, first seated basis. Archbishop Rowan and Jane do not want a farewell gift, but you are invited to make a donation to 'Catching Lives', a local homeless charity of which Archbishop Rowan is patron. If you would like to go, please let Lindsay know by the end of October at the absolute latest.


ART AND THE NATIVITY: During Advent, The Reverend Rosemary van Wengen will lead three devotional evenings in St Mildred’s, on the theme of Art and the Nativity. The evenings will begin at 7pm and end at around 8.30pm. The dates to note in your diary are the 28th November and the 5th and 12th December.


EXPLORING SACRED SPACE: Following this year’s trip to the battlefields of the Somme, we are arranging a follow-up exploration of the Ypres Salient, from the 14th – 16th June 2013. Because we need to make a decision about the viability of a coach within the next month, we need to note the names of those who would like to come as soon as possible. Please contact Lindsay.




NOTELETS AND BAGS: Those of you who have admired the splendid new Creation Cushions in the Sanctuary in St Mildred’s might like to know that notelets and postcards are now available for you to buy. Snap them up from the white stands near the bookstall. Also, snazzy new shoulder bags with our logo on them can now be bought for a fiver. They really are the last word (in something or other). Contact Lindsay for details.




Vicar: Lindsay Hammond                                   01580 761591


Associate Vicar: Margaret Roylance                  01580 762332


Assistant Curate: Eileen Harrop                         01580 441069


Church Administrator: Mike Boughton              01580 241610


Youth Minister: Annette Parkin                           01580 766245


Children’s Minister: Shirley Docker                   01580 762492


Baptism Minister: Karen Edgar                          01580 762838


St Mildred's Hall Bookings: Anne Alexander     07873 579581



Sunday 30th September 2012

St Michael and All Angels


Seeing Christ in the world!

Being Christ in the world!


TODAY: We wish you a very warm welcome to our services, especially if you are here for the first time, or visiting us on holiday. Today we use some or all of the following readings: Genesis 28.10-17 (page 30); Revelation 12.7-12 (page 1242); John 1.47-end (page 1064). The page numbers refer to the pew Bibles in St Mildred’s. Today we celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. Down at Smallhythe it’s Harvest Festival time (with different readings).


MILLIES ON MONDAYS: Millies, our new church Parent and Toddler Group, continues tomorrow. Millies is for children aged 0-5 years and will be in business every Monday during term time, from 9am – 11.30am in the Glebe Hall, Church Road. Contact Karen Edgar (762838) or Shirley Docker (07980 421914).


SERVICES DURING THIS WEEK: There will be celebrations of Holy Communion on Wednesday (at St Michael’s) and Thursday (at St Mildred’s). Both services begin at 11am. And don’t forget that Morning Prayer takes place daily in St Mildred’s at 9am.


SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion at St Mildred’s (8am); Harvest Festival at St Mildred’s (9.30am); Harvest Festival at St Michael’s (10am); Holy Communion at Smallhythe (11.15am); Parish Eucharist with Prayers for Healing at St Mildred’s (6pm).


ST MICHAEL’S PATRONAL LUNCH: Today the congregation of St Michael’s commemorates its patronal festival. There is a special Eucharist to celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels at 11.00am, followed by buffet lunch at the London Beach Hotel at 12.45pm. Building work has begun on our WC and servery. We hope this will not lead to too much inconvenience. Everything should be complete in six weeks.


LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Would you like to explore the Christian faith? Do you have questions you’ve always wanted to ask? If so, then Living the Questions is just for you. Living the Questions is a series of DVD-based sessions which takes place on Wednesday evenings in October and November, and then in January and February - beginning this Wednesday. Only two people have got in touch so far, so please contact Lindsay by tomorrow evening if you would like to come along so that we can decide if we meet at the hall or the Vicarage, and if we begin at 7pm with a shared supper, or at 7.30pm without.


BENEFICE SUNDAY LUNCH: will be next Sunday. So if you live on your own, and would like to dine with others, then put your name on the list in St Mildred’s or ring Cathie Aldis  (01580 765845). We also need more people to help cook the lunches. Recipes and ingredients will be supplied and expenses reimbursed. Your turn will come round only every four months, so it’s not onerous. If you can help, contact Lindsay.


OFF TO THE TOWER: Next weekend it’s Tenterden Folk Festival and so St Mildred’s Church tower will be open next Saturday from 12noon until 6pm. Can you volunteer for tower duties and to serve refreshments. If so, please sign the list at the cross aisle in St Mildred’s.


THREE CHURCHES HARVEST SUPPER: Come along to St Mildred’s Church Hall at 6pm on Saturday 13th October for a Bring and Share Harvest Supper. Bread and butter will be provided, but remember to bring your cutlery, plate, glasses and drink, and something for the communal table! The Beetle Drive will be back by popular demand and there will be a Bottle Tombola. Tickets are on sale in our churches today, so buy yours to avoid disappointment!


WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB: Wednesday Lunch Club next meets on the 17th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 12.30pm. Contact Mary Monckton (01580 240767) if you need any further information.


PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH: Smallhythe’s annual Autumn Ploughman’s Lunch will undoubtedly tempt you along to St Mildred’s Church Hall on Saturday 20th October between 12noon and 2pm. The lunches will raise money for St John’s.


WHOLENESS AND HEALING: The first of what we hope will be regular Wholeness and Healing services, will be held in St Michael’s on Sunday 21st October. We begin with afternoon tea at 4pm in the Church and then begin the service at 4.30pm. The service will conclude by 5.15pm. For more information, contact Lindsay.


SERVICE OF LIGHT: There will be a special service in St Mildred’s on Sunday 28th October at 3pm, during which we shall commemorate all those of our parishes who have died during the past year, together with others whose remembrance has been requested. Please give the names of those you would like remembered to Margaret Roylance (see Contact Us) or Ann Robertson (764219 /


ART AND THE NATIVITY: During Advent, The Reverend Rosemary van Wengen will lead three devotional evenings in St Mildred’s, on the theme of Art and the Nativity. The evenings will begin at 7pm and end at around 8.30pm. The dates to note in your diary are the 28th November and the 5th and 12th December.


EXPLORING SACRED SPACE: Following this year’s trip to the battlefields of the Somme, we are busy arranging a follow-up exploration of the Ypres Salient, from the 14th – 16th June 2013. Because we need to make a decision about the viability of a coach within the next month, we need to note the names of those who would like to come as soon as possible. The alternative to a coach is a much smaller minibus, which we have almost filled already. Please contact Lindsay.


FAREWELL TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN: Archbishop Rowan will step down at the end of the year. There will be a diocesan farewell on Sunday 18th November at 3.15pm in the Cathedral.  The service will not be ticketed and entry will be on a first come, first seated basis. Archbishop Rowan and Jane do not want a farewell gift, but you are invited to make a donation to 'Catching Lives', a local homeless charity of which Archbishop Rowan is patron. If you would like to go, please let Lindsay know by the end of this week.


AND IT’S FROM THE OLD ... I travel to the new. After the highly-acclaimed Walk Through the Old Testament comes ... a Walk Through the New Testament. This will be on Saturday 27th April St Mildred’s Church Hall. Book the day and give yourself a real treat. Further details later.


THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Would you like to find out more about the Church to which you belong? Then we have just the thing for you. Peter Brett will be delivering a three-part mini-series in St Mildred’s Church Hall on the 5th, 12th and 19th June next year at 7.30pm: Where it came from; What it stands for; How it works. ‘It’, of course, is the Church of England.  Glad somebody knows!

WORSHIP AT ST MILDRED’S: We have formed a new group to choose the hymns and music at St Mildred’s. Our aim - and it’s not an easy one - is to achieve a real balance, including that between traditional and contemporary. Those in the hot seat are: Cathie Aldis, Huw Crouch, Geoffrey Davison, Michael Freer, Lindsay Hammond, Elaine Pryor, Stephen Pusey, and Margaret Roylance. They will be delighted to receive comments and feedback, together with any particular choices of hymn or song.



Vicar: Lindsay Hammond                                   01580 761591


Associate Vicar: Margaret Roylance                  01580 762332


Assistant Curate: Eileen Harrop                         01580 441069


Church Administrator: Mike Boughton              01580 241610


Youth Minister: Annette Parkin                           01580 766245


Children’s Minister: Shirley Docker                   01580 762492


Baptism Minister: Karen Edgar                          01580 762838


St Mildred's Hall Bookings: Anne Alexander     07873 579581



Sunday 23rd September 2012

Sixteenth after Trinity


Seeing Christ in the world!

Being Christ in the world!


TODAY: We wish you a very warm welcome to our services, especially if you are here for the first time, or visiting us on holiday. Today we use some or all of the following readings: Jeremiah 11.18-20 (page 770); James 3.13-4.3,7-8a (page 1215); Mark 9.30-37 (page 1013). The page numbers refer to the pew Bibles in St Mildred’s. Our guest preacher at St Mildred’s this morning is Archdeacon Philip and we thank him for coming.


MILLIES ON MONDAYS: Millies, our new church Parent and Toddler Group, continues tomorrow. Millies is for children aged 0-5 years and will be in business every Monday during term time, from 9am – 11.30am in the Glebe Hall, Church Road. Contact Karen Edgar (762838) or Shirley Docker (07980 421914).


SERVICES DURING THIS WEEK: There will be celebrations of Holy Communion on Wednesday (at St Michael’s) and Thursday (at St Mildred’s). Both services begin at 11am. And don’t forget that Morning Prayer takes place daily in St Mildred’s at 9am.


SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion at St Mildred’s (8am); Parish Eucharist at St Mildred’s (9.30am); Parish Eucharist at St Michael’s (11am); Harvest Festival at Smallhythe (11.15am). Note the different time of the service at St Michael’s.


TENTERDEN WOMEN’S BREAKFAST: Will be held at The Rare Breeds Centre, Woodchurch, at 8.30am next Saturday. The speaker will be Christine Emson, President of the Chichester Diocesan Mothers' Union. Her subject will be 'Mothers' Union Thinks Outside the Box.' If you would like to come along, contact Stephanie Marshall ( / 07866 146464). The cost will be £10.


CRY IN THE DARK ROADSHOW: Pop along to Zion Baptist Church next Saturday from 7.00pm - 8.30pm to find out what the Tenterden volunteers got up to during their recent visit to Romania in support of Cry in the Dark and its work among orphaned children.


ST MICHAEL’S PATRONAL LUNCH: Next Sunday the congregation of St Michael’s commemorates its patronal festival. There will be a special Eucharist to celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels at 11.00am, followed by buffet lunch at the London Beach Hotel at 12.45pm. Please sign the list in the church. The value of the meals (which will be paid for by the PCC) will be returned to our church, so any donations of about £7 from people attending will be very welcome. However, please don't stay away if that seems too much. Any donation will be very acceptable. Building work has begun on our WC and servery. We hope this will not lead to too much inconvenience. Everything should be complete in six weeks.


LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Would you like to explore the Christian faith? Do you have questions you’ve always wanted to ask? If so, then Living the Questions is just for you. Living the Questions is a series of DVD-based sessions in St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, on Wednesday evenings in October and November, and then in January and February. The first session will be on the 3rd October. Each session begins at 7pm with a bring and share supper. Interested? Then contact Lindsay. Can’t make Wednesday evenings? Then get in touch with Lindsay anyway because we may arrange alternative days and times according to interest.


BENEFICE SUNDAY LUNCH: The next Benefice Sunday Lunch will be on Sunday 7th October. So if you live on your own, and would like to dine with others, then put your name on the list in St Mildred’s or ring Cathie Aldis  (01580 765845). We also need more people to help cook the lunches. Recipes and ingredients will be supplied and expenses reimbursed. Your turn will come round only every four months, so it’s not onerous. If you can help, contact Lindsay.

HARVEST FESTIVALS: Here are the dates of this year’s Harvest Festivals: Sunday 30th September at St John’s (11.15am); Sunday 7th October at St Mildred’s (9.30am); and Sunday 7th October at St Michael’s (10am). St Mildred’s Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 13th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall.

OFF TO THE TOWER: St Mildred’s Church tower will be open on the Saturday of the Tenterden Folk Festival (6th October) from 12noon until 6pm. Can you volunteer for tower duties and to serve refreshments. If so, please sign the list at the cross aisle in St Mildred’s.


THREE CHURCHES HARVEST SUPPER: Come along to St Mildred’s Church Hall at 6pm on Saturday 13th October for a Bring and Share Harvest Supper. Bread and butter will be provided, but remember to bring your cutlery, plate, glasses and drink, and something for the communal table! The Beetle Drive will be back by popular demand and there will be a Bottle Tombola. Tickets are on sale today.


WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB: Wednesday Lunch Club next meets on Wednesday 17th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 12.30pm. Contact Mary Monckton (01580 240767) if you need any further information.


PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH: Smallhythe’s annual Autumn Ploughman’s Lunch will undoubtedly tempt you along to St Mildred’s Church Hall on Saturday 20th October between 12noon and 2pm. The lunches will raise money for St John’s.


WHOLENESS AND HEALING: The first of what we hope will be regular Wholeness and Healing services, will be held in St Michael’s on Sunday 21st October. We begin with afternoon tea at 4pm in the Church and then begin the service at 4.30pm. The service will conclude by 5.15pm. For more information, contact Lindsay.


SERVICE OF LIGHT: There will be a special service in St Mildred’s on Sunday 28th October at 3pm, during which we shall commemorate all those of our parishes who have died during the past year, together with others whose remembrance has been requested. Please give the names of those you would like remembered to Margaret Roylance (see Contact Us) or Ann Robertson (01580 764219 or ).


FAREWELL TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN: Archbishop Rowan will step down at the end of the year. There will be a diocesan farewell on Sunday 18th November at 3.15pm in the Cathedral.  The service will not be ticketed and entry will be on a first come, first seated basis. Archbishop Rowan and Jane do not want a farewell gift, but you are invited to make a donation to 'Catching Lives', a local homeless charity of which Archbishop Rowan is patron. If you would like to go, please let Lindsay know by the end of September at the latest.


WORSHIP AT ST MILDRED’S: We have formed a new group to choose the hymns and music at St Mildred’s. Our aim - and it’s not an easy one - is to achieve a real balance, including that between traditional and contemporary. Those in the hot seat are: Cathie Aldis, Huw Crouch, Geoffrey Davison, Michael Freer, Lindsay Hammond, Elaine Pryor, Stephen Pusey, and Margaret Roylance. They will be delighted to receive comments and feedback, together with any particular choices of hymn or song.




Vicar: Lindsay Hammond                                   01580 761591


Associate Vicar: Margaret Roylance                  01580 762332


Assistant Curate: Eileen Harrop                         01580 441069


Church Administrator: Mike Boughton              01580 241610


Youth Minister: Annette Parkin                           01580 766245


Children’s Minister: Shirley Docker                   01580 762492


Baptism Minister: Karen Edgar                          01580 762838


St Mildred's Hall Bookings: Anne Alexander     07873 579581



Sunday 16th September 2012

Fifteenth after Trinity


Seeing Christ in the world!

Being Christ in the world!


TODAY: We wish you a very warm welcome to our services, especially if you are here for the first time, or visiting us on holiday. Today we use some or all of the following readings: Isaiah 50.4-9a (page 737); James 3.1-12, 14-17 (page 1214); Mark 8.27-end (page 1012). The page numbers refer to the pew Bibles in St Mildred’s. Choral Evensong will be sung this evening in St Mildred’s at 6pm. Why not come along?


THANK YOU: We thank everybody who manned our churches and welcomed visiting cyclists during last Saturday’s Friends of Kent Churches Sponsored Bike Ride. And, of course, we say a big thank you to those who rode and raised money for our churches. More about that, and the amount raised, in due course.


MILLIES ON MONDAYS: Millies, our new church Parent and Toddler Group, continues tomorrow. Millies is for children aged 0-5 years and will be in business every Monday during term time, from 9am – 11.30am in the Glebe Hall, Church Road. Contact Karen Edgar (762838) or Shirley Docker (07980 421914).


SERVICES DURING THIS WEEK: There will be celebrations of Holy Communion on Wednesday (at St Michael’s) and Thursday (at St Mildred’s). Both services begin at 11am. And don’t forget that Morning Prayer takes place daily in St Mildred’s at 9am.


WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB: Wednesday Lunch Club meets this Wednesday in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 12.30pm. Contact Mary Monckton (01580 240767) if you need any further information.


MEN’S BREAKFAST: If you’ve never been before, or even if you have, come along to the next Men’s Breakfast next Saturday at 8.30am in Zion Baptist Church. Our very own Margaret Roylance will be the speaker (‘Called to Service in Classroom & Chancel’). Please book your breakfast (which will cost you £6) through Chris Cheesman (762573), Dick Warren (761688) or Jeff Henderson (01233 860714).


SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion at St Mildred’s (8am); Parish Eucharist at St Mildred’s (9.30am); Parish Eucharist at St Michael’s (10am); Matins at Smallhythe (11.15am). The preacher at St Mildred’s will be Philip Down, Archdeacon of Ashford.


TENTERDEN WOMEN’S BREAKFAST: The next Breakfast will be held at The Rare Breeds Centre, Woodchurch, at 8.30am on Saturday 29th September. The speaker will be Christine Emson, President of the Chichester Diocesan Mothers' Union. Her subject will be 'Mothers' Union Thinks Outside the Box.' If you would like to come along, contact Stephanie Marshall ( / 07866 146464). The cost will be £10.


CRY IN THE DARK ROADSHOW: Pop along to Zion Baptist Church on Saturday 29th September from 7.00pm - 8.30pm to find out what the Tenterden volunteers got up to during their recent visit to Romania in support of Cry in the Dark and its work among orphaned children. In the meantime, to get a flavour, go to:



ST MICHAEL’S PATRONAL LUNCH: On Sunday 30th September, the congregation of St Michael’s commemorates its patronal festival. There will be a special Eucharist to celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels at 11.00am, followed by buffet lunch at the London Beach Hotel at 12.45pm. Please sign the list in the church. The value of the meals (which will be paid for by the PCC) will be returned to our church, so any donations of about £7 from people attending will be very welcome. However, please don't stay away if that seems too much. Any donation will be very acceptable. Building work has begun on our WC and servery. We hope this will not lead to too much inconvenience. Everything should be complete in six weeks.


LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Would you like to explore the Christian faith? Do you have questions you’ve always wanted to ask? If so, then Living the Questions is just for you. Living the Questions is a series of DVD-based sessions in St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, on Wednesday evenings in October and November, and then in January and February. The first session will be on the 3rd October. Each session begins at 7pm with a bring and share supper. Interested? Then contact Lindsay. Can’t make Wednesday evenings? Then get in touch with Lindsay anyway because we may arrange alternative days and times according to interest.


BENEFICE SUNDAY LUNCH: The next Benefice Sunday Lunch will be on Sunday 7th October. So if you live on your own, and would like to dine with others, then put your name on the list in St Mildred’s or ring Cathie Aldis  (01580 765845). We also need more people to help cook the lunches. Recipes and ingredients will be supplied and expenses reimbursed. Your turn will come round only every four months, so it’s not onerous. If you can help, contact Lindsay.


HARVEST FESTIVALS: Here are the dates of this year’s Harvest Festivals: Sunday 30th September at St John’s (11.15am); Sunday 7th October at St Mildred’s (9.30am); and Sunday 7th October at St Michael’s (10am). St Mildred’s Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 13th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall.  


OFF TO THE TOWER: St Mildred’s Church tower will be open on the Saturday of the Tenterden Folk Festival (6th October) from 12noon until 6pm. Can you volunteer for tower duties and to serve refreshments. If so, please sign the list at the cross aisle in St Mildred’s.


THREE CHURCHES HARVEST SUPPER: Come along to St Mildred’s Church Hall at 6pm on Saturday 13th October for a Bring and Share Harvest Supper. Bread and butter will be provided, but remember to bring your cutlery, plate, glasses and drink! The Beetle Drive will be back by popular demand and there will be a Bottle Tombola. Tickets are on sale today.




PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH: Smallhythe’s annual Autumn Ploughman’s Lunch will undoubtedly tempt you along to St Mildred’s Church Hall on Saturday 20th October between 12noon and 2pm. The lunches will raise money for St John’s.


FAREWELL TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN: Archbishop Rowan will step down at the end of the year. There will be a diocesan farewell on Sunday 18th November at 3.15pm in the Cathedral.  The service will not be ticketed and entry will be on a first come, first seated basis. Archbishop Rowan and Jane do not want a farewell gift, but you are invited to make a donation to 'Catching Lives', a local homeless charity of which Archbishop Rowan is patron. If you would like to go, please let Lindsay know by the end of September at the latest.


WORSHIP AT ST MILDRED’S: We have formed a new group to choose the hymns and music at St Mildred’s. Our aim - and it’s not an easy one - is to achieve a real balance, including that between traditional and contemporary. Those in the hot seat are: Cathie Aldis, Huw Crouch, Geoffrey Davison, Michael Freer, Lindsay Hammond, Elaine Pryor, Stephen Pusey, and Margaret Roylance. They will be delighted to receive comments and feedback, together with any particular choices of hymn or song.


Vicar: Lindsay Hammond                                  01580 761591


Associate Vicar: Margaret Roylance                01580 762332


Assistant Curate: Eileen Harrop                                   01580 441069


Church Administrator: Mike Boughton                         01580 241610


Youth Minister: Annette Parkin                        01580 766245


Children’s Minister: Shirley Docker                 01580 762492


Baptism Minister: Karen Edgar                         01580 762838


St Mildred's Hall Bookings: Anne Alexander  07873 579581



Sunday 9th September 2012

Fourteenth after Trinity


Seeing Christ in the world!

Being Christ in the world!

WELCOME: We wish you a very warm welcome to our services, especially if you are here for the first time, or visiting us on holiday. Today we use some or all of the following readings: Isaiah 35.4-7a (page 719); James 2.1-10, 14-17 (page 1214); Mark 7.24-end (page 1010). The page numbers refer to the pew Bibles in St Mildred’s. Create Space, our monthly reflective service will take place this evening, in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 6pm. If you’ve not been before, why not come along?

TRAIDCRAFT: Visit Jill’s Traidcraft today in St Mildred’s Church Hall during coffee after the 9.30am service and choose from the fairly traded products on sale. The autumn catalogue is available and various delicious goodies. Last month's proceeds amounted to £109!

LIVING THE QUESTIONS: Would you like to explore the Christian faith? Do you have questions you’ve always wanted to ask? If so, then Living the Questions is just for you. Living the Questions is a series of DVD-based sessions in St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, on Wednesday evenings in October and November, and then in January and February. The first session will be on the 3rd October. Each session begins at 7pm with a bring and share supper. Interested? Then contact Lindsay. Can’t make Wednesday evenings? Then get in touch with Lindsay anyway because we may arrange alternative days and times according to interest.

BENEFICE SUNDAY LUNCH: The next Benefice Sunday Lunch will be on Sunday 7th October. So if you live on your own, and would like to dine with others, then put your name on the list in St Mildred’s or ring Cathie Aldis  (01580 765845). We also need more people to help cook the lunches. Recipes and ingredients will be supplied and expenses reimbursed. Your turn will come round only every four months, so it’s not too onerous. Please, please help, and if you can, contact Lindsay.

WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB: The Wednesday Lunch Club next meets on the 19th September in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 12.30pm. Contact Mary Monckton (01580 240767) if you need any further information.

SERVICES DURING THIS WEEK: There will be celebrations of Holy Communion on Wednesday (at St Michael’s) and Thursday (at St Mildred’s). Both services begin at 11am. And don’t forget that Morning Prayer takes place daily in St Mildred’s at 9am.

SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion at St Michael’s (8am); Holy Communion at St Mildred’s (8am); Parish Eucharist at St Mildred’s (9.30am); Family Service at St Michael’s (10am); Holy Communion at Smallhythe (11.15am); Choral Evensong at St Mildred’s (6pm).

MILLIES ON MONDAYS: Millies is our new church Parent and Toddler Group, which opens its doors for the first time tomorrow. Millies is for children aged 0-5 years and will be in business every Monday during term time, from 9am – 11.30am in the Glebe Hall, Church Road. There is coffee and doughnuts and free parking. Contact Karen Edgar (762838) or Shirley Docker (07980 421914).

TENTERDEN WOMEN’S BREAKFAST: The next Breakfast will be held at The Rare Breeds Centre, Woodchurch at 8.30am on Saturday 29th September. The speaker will be Christine Emson, President of the Chichester Diocesan Mothers' Union. Her subject will be 'Mothers' Union Thinks outside the Box.' If you would like to come along, contact Stephanie Marshall ( / 07866 146464). The cost will be £10.

NEWCOMERS’ EVENING: If you have recently started worshipping with us you might like to come along to our Newcomers’ Evening this Wednesday (12th )  in St Mildred’s Church Hall at 7.30pm. The evening will be very informal and will include a tour of St Mildred’s Church, refreshments and an opportunity to find out a bit more about who we are and what we do. We will end with a short candlelit service. We hope this will help those who have recently started coming to our churches to feel more at home. So if you would like to come along please let Lindsay know .

SPONSOR A HYMN:. If you would like your favourite hymn to be sung at St Michael’s, then contact Tracey Laws (01233 820298 / Place your money in an envelope marked ‘Sponsored Hymn’ and pop it in the collection bag. 

HARVEST FESTIVALS: Here are the dates of this year’s Harvest Festivals: Sunday 30th September at St John’s (11.15am); Sunday 7th October at St Mildred’s (9.30am); and Sunday 7th October at St Michael’s (10am). St Mildred’s Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 13th October in St Mildred’s Church Hall. 

FAREWELL TO ARCHBISHOP ROWAN: Archbishop Rowan will step down at the end of the year. There will be a diocesan farewell on Sunday 18th November at 3.15pm in the Cathedral.  The service will not be ticketed and entry will be on a first come, first seated basis. Tea, coffee and cakes will be offered in the Chapter House and Cloisters afterwards for all those who can stay. Archbishop Rowan and Jane do not want a farewell gift, but would like churches and individuals, who wish to, to make a donation to 'Catching Lives', a local homeless charity of which Archbishop Rowan is patron. If you would like to go, please let Lindsay know by the end of September at the latest.

EYES AND EARS NEEDED: Please do tell one of the clergy if you know of anyone who is ill or going into hospital. If that person is you, and you would like a visit, then do let us know.

YOUR ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED: We urgently need to find some willing people at St Mildred’s to help with our work with our young people. Can you spare a little time to join the Friday night Emanate youth group rota or help swell the number of Sunday Club leaders?  If you can, please get in touch with Annette Parkin or Shirley Docker (see Contact Us - below). Or if you would like to join the Sunday morning coffee rota, then please contact Elizabeth Emson (763595).

AND IT’S FROM THE OLD ... I travel to the new. After the highly-acclaimed Walk Through the Old Testament comes ... a Walk Through the New Testament. This will be on Saturday 27th April St Mildred’s Church Hall. Book the day and give yourself a real treat. Further details later.

WORSHIP AT ST MILDRED’S: We have formed a new group to choose the hymns and music at St Mildred’s. Our aim is to achieve a real balance, including that between traditional and contemporary. Those in the hot seat are: Cathie Aldis, Huw Crouch, Geoffrey Davison, Michael Freer, Lindsay Hammond, Elaine Pryor, Stephen Pusey, and Margaret Roylance. They will be delighted to receive comments and feedback, together with any particular choices of hymn or song.

HARVEST ON OUR DOORSTEP: This year, Harvest at St Mildred’s comes with a slightly different flavour. We thank God for the work of our local producers and the good things they provide for us to enjoy. In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce we have invited local producers to place displays in the church, and Transition Town Tenterden are hoping to create, amongst other things, a ‘food miles activity’ and a ‘food map’ which will show local food outlets, farm shops, and local growers. We are also working with Tenterden Junior School so that they can reflect this theme in their Harvest worship, and we hope we can source the monthly Sunday lunch in St Mildred’s Church Hall for those living on their own from local producers. The church will be open on Friday 5th October, Saturday 6th October, and Sunday 7th October, so that people can pop in and view the displays.

Our Harvest Service at 9.30am on Sunday 7th October will, we hope, feature some folk musicians (thus linking us with Tenterden Folk Festival) and the refreshments after the service have been arranged by Tenterden Chamber of Commerce, which has drawn upon the kindness and generosity of local businesses. Finally, the church tower will be open on Saturday 6th October from 12noon until 6pm.

So why not find and visit a truly local producer and purchase something to display in church? We can receive your gifts from the Friday afternoon (2pm until 4pm), or on the Saturday (10am until 12noon), or on the day of the Harvest Service itself. Or maybe you grow food in your garden, in which case dig up that prize carrot and bring it along!

It promises to be quite a Harvest weekend!

OFF TO THE TOWER: St Mildred’s Church tower will be open on the Saturday of the Tenterden Folk Festival (6th October) from 12noon until 6pm. Can you volunteer for tower duties and to serve refreshments. If so, please add your name to the list at the cross aisle in St Mildred’s.

MOTHERS’ UNION: We begin a new MU year with Holy Communion in St Mildred’s at 10.30a.m. this Tuesday and meet afterwards for refreshments in the Church Hall. We would like to encourage MU members to come to refreshments afterwards so that we can chat about the future of the branch. If you would like to join the MU, please contact Lindsay. Even men are welcome!

ST MICHAEL’S PATRONAL LUNCH: On Sunday 30th September, the congregation of St Michael’s commemorates its patronal festival. There will be a special Eucharist to celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels at 11.00am, followed by lunch.

MEN’S BREAKFAST: If you’ve never been before, or even if you have, come along to the next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 22nd September at 8.30am in Zion Baptist Church. Our very own Margaret Roylance will be the speaker (‘Called to Service in Classroom & Chancel’). Please book your breakfast (which will cost you £6) through Chris Cheesman (762573), Dick Warren (761688) or Jeff Henderson (01233 860714). Lindsay’s talk to the Men’s Breakfast will now be part of the 2013 programme.

PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH: Smallhythe’s annual Autumn Ploughman’s Lunch will undoubtedly tempt you along to St Mildred’s Church Hall on Saturday 20th October between 12noon and 2pm. The lunches will raise money for St John’s. Come along if you can. Very tasty!

PREACHER: The preacher at St Mildred’s on Sunday 23rd September at 9.30am will be Philip Down, Archdeacon of Ashford.




Vicar: Lindsay Hammond                                   01580 761591


Associate Vicar: Margaret Roylance                  01580 762332


Assistant Curate: Eileen Harrop                         01580 441069


Church Administrator: Mike Boughton              01580 241610


Youth Minister: Annette Parkin                           01580 766245


Children’s Minister: Shirley Docker                   01580 762492


Baptism Minister: Karen Edgar                          01580 762838


St Mildred's Hall Bookings: Anne Alexander     07873 579581



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Page published by Nick Hudd on the

Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi 2012