Journal of Geomancy vol. 4 no. 3, April 1980





Siefert is best known for his tower blocks, especially the notorious Centre Point which stands, so it is said, over a secret government tunnel network (see Beneath the City Streets by Peter Laurie).  Now the latest monstrosity – a tower dedicated to the ahrimanic forces of greed and domination – is rising in the City of London – the National Westminster Tower, headquarters of the bank of the same name.  Apart from the telephone exchange embedded in the foundations – the architects ‘couldn’t find room for it in the tower’ although the bank originally only needed a 9-storey block, and the tower is a 600-footer – the tower’s cross-section repays study.  It is, in fact, a triskele, a three-branched swastika based upon the logo which the bank uses on its buildings and chequebooks.  The architects vehemently deny this, but the coincidence is so striking that we must dismiss their disclaimers.  Masonic conspiracy?  Who knows, but the dismissal in the Sunday Times “The similarity between the architect’s drawings and the logo is extraordinary (though not half so extraordinary as the idea that a company would base the ground plan of their headquarters on a logo) …”!  What with the Milton Keynes orientations, and now this, something out of the ordinary is going on in modern British architecture.  Any other examples of the ‘new geomancy’ would be welcome. 


La Villette near Paris was once the site of a massive abattoir complex which saw the demise of millions of hapless creatures.  This vast death camp was ripped down and the site was left vacant.  Now such a site must be a repository of harmful energies, so in true feng-shui tradition a dragon was installed.  The architect, François Ghys, constructed a giant dragon out of bits of the old slaughterhouse.  Naturally, as in the best feng-shui, its situation is at the corner junction of two canals, on one corner of the site.  Great rings of wood make up the body, the head and mouth are wood and the whole structure is supported on steel poles.  It is over 251 feet long and its tongue is a children’s slide. 


Theories of the impending downfall of modern civilization are rife, and in this fin-de-millennium are only to be expected.  Just as the ramifications of the new Ayatollahism are connected with the Islamic year 1400 with all its millennarian connotations, so for the Common Era – Jonestown is just the beginning of such messianic mania.  To return to Isis.  When the original Aswan Dam was built in 1902, part of the island of Biga was excavated to provide material for the dam.  When the UNESCO team were working on the removal of the temples at Philae before the rising waters from the new Soviet-built dam overcame them for ever they decided to move them to the remaining part of the island.  This island was the holiest shrine – the burial place of the god Osiris.  On a TV program in the Chronicle series, April 9th 1980, an archaeologist gleefully pointed out that the tomb of Osiris had never been rifled by archaeologists, but that it may have been blasted away unnoticed by the constructors of the Aswan Dam in 1902.  If this is true, then an appalling geomantic disaster of monstrous proportions may have occurred by default at the beginning of this century.  The tomb originally was surrounded by 365 altars, one of which was visited by the priests of Isis each day of the year and libations of milk poured upon it.  Every ten days, the image of Isis was brought from the temple to the tomb amid great ceremony.  No noise was allowed in the sacred precinct, and profanities such as fishing and fowling were prohibited.  Not so in the 20th century.  Five years of dynamiting reduced the rocky profiles of the island to a flat top before the Isisian temples were moved stone-by-stone there – the archaeologists then had the nerve to say that the place is where the ancients would have liked the temples to be, but that they were technologically not up to it.  Such nonsense from the lips of the learned must always be deprecated.  If the Egyptians had wanted them there, they would have quarried the hard granite by hand, as they did the cliff where a score of rock-cut temples still attest the skill of the ancients. 



A huge chalk figure of Marilyn Monroe could be staring the Cerne Giant in the face this year – from the hill opposite.  Devon artist Ken Evans-Loude has approached the owners of Rowan Hill to get permission to carve a new hill figure there.  If he gets permission the effigy will be equivalent in size to old Helis himself.  Evans-Loude describes his projected figure as a 20th century fertility symbol.  However, the geomantic wisdom of such a move is highlighted by the fact that the underlying stratum is not chalk – so it has been suggested that chalk should be imported to make the figure a white goddess.  The scheme need not be taken too seriously, however, as the County Council’s planning department said that the scheme contravenes county planning policy.  An official was quoted as saying the following: “I’m not quite sure if this is a planning matter.  We haven’t had any applications for chalk figures before.  After all, we weren’t around when the Cerne Giant was cut”.  But no doubt the state-geomancer-in-ordinary to the local king was! 



a hobbyhorse ridden by the editor.  notes and ramblings on the Aubrey Burls and Euan Mackies of this world. 

When my book The Ancient Science of Geomancy appeared a year ago, I expected that the orthodox pundits would have a go at it, but my worst fears were fulfilled.  Burl, whose dictionary definitions, like Glyn Daniel, run to only the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (look up Geomancy in the Longer, and get a shock, Aub!), ran to the sick and intellectually dishonest ‘dots at random’ absurdity.  Mackie, who ought to know better, ran into a Darwinian diatribe, stating that my book was an example of how the “Darwinian Revolution” had not thrust thru enough.  Now, I am a graduate biologist, and know a lot about the “Dar Rev” – perhaps more than Mr Mackie.  The extension of Social Darwinism is well known – Hermann Wirth/Adolf Eichmann and the British extermination of the Tasmanians are but two manifestations.  And the truth is the truth after all.  Whether doctrine or dogma say yea or nay, the reality exists.  The long and sorry tale of mankind is littered with the atrocities of orthodoxy, from the Neronic suppression of Christianity thru the Christian suppression of mathematics and astronomy to the Inquisition, the ‘gag acts’, the torture chambers of Bolshevism, Arbeit Macht Frei, McCarthy’s ‘communist’ witch-hunts and the Saudi Arabians’ wish for censorship.  Let us have fair comment, academics, but from the principles of truth, not entrenched dogma.